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Viewing User: Pope Mark D�nfee

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Basic Information

Pope Mark D�nfee
Username: DunfeeX
First Visit: Aug 10, 1999
Last Visit: Wed, Jan 9, 2013, 10:57am
Location:Lansdale, Pennsylvania
About You:ICQ me! 8149701 I can't really think of anything to write here, so here goes the basic stuph...I'm a senior french/spanish major/secondary education minor at Beaver College (not Arcadia University), here right outside Philly, which is MUCH better than Pittsburgh. Watch out, oh 3 rivered city, our pitchforks are sharp and have no mercy... I just got done studying in Paris and I'm probably in Toledo, Spain at school as you read this.


Me performing the 'clown strip show' jestering at the North Penn Ren FestAnother picture of me and Karen, this one a year more recent (April 2000)Me and my girlfriend and recently turned Fruhead, KarenMe admiring an idol in Stratford-Upon-Avon, England, a half-block from Shakespea
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