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Viewing User: Keith Rose

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Basic Information

Keith Rose
Username: KeeterMan
First Visit: Feb 29, 2000
Last Visit: Thu, Sep 7, 2000, 12:38am
Location:Appleton, Wisconsin
About You:Going into my last year at Lawrence University in Appleton, WI. I'm majoring in Trombone and Euphonium Performance with an undeclared minor in technical theatre. Once June 17, 2001 comes around who knows what I'll be doing. I do host a radio show in Appleton called "Insanity on the Airwaves" and Fr�vous commonly appears on the playlist (check out my website for mor information on my show). Outside of studying and listening to Fr�vous I work as a web developer and play baseball. Got into Fr�vous about 2 years ago and have been hooked ever since (Thank You Rachel Beck)! Saw my first Fr�vous concert on 2/27/00 in Madison and I can't wait to go to another one!


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