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Viewing User: Lux Fruthor

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Basic Information

Lux Fruthor
Username: LuxFruthor
First Visit: May 6, 2000
Last Visit: Sun, Nov 30, 2008, 6:32pm
Location:NYC, New York
About You:
Careful With That Splicer, You Gene.

There's just one apostrophe in '40s
At most one catastrophe per day, please
An accent mark upgrades eggshell to �cru
But they tell me it's still on the boat from Peru

We loathe hypocritical people
And ignore diacritical marks
We shy away from the steeple
But don't like to swim with the sharks

Reassessing the Wealth of this Nation
A brisk morning walk in the park
Obsessing upon punctuation
But missing the odd puncture mark

Copyright 2001 Jeremy Kumin All rights reserved


MOTTOES: Lux Fugit. Carpe Lux.

MUSICAL INFLUENCES: Al Stewart, Moxy Fruvous, TMBG, House of Freaks, XTC, Chumbawamba, KLF.

ALSO LIKE A LOT: Guster, Enigma, The The, Matthew Sweet, Kate Bush, Tori Amos, Dramarama, Del Amitri, King Crimson, The Verve Pipe, REM, Jann Arden, Mike Oldfield, Anthony Phillips, The Bonzo Dog Band

FRUHISTORY: I first learned of MF from the Al Stewart Mailing List, as it happens. Bought Bargainville in 97 and the rest soon after. First FruShow was Irving Plaza in April 2000. Next was Toad's 5/7. Then Bottom Line on 7/25.

CONVERTS:Lewis Lame, mr. rious

A BUNCH OF AUTHORS: Tim Powers, Neal Stephenson, William Gibson, R.A. Wilson, J. Gregory Keyes, Roger Zelazny, Spider Robinson, Mark Helprin, Neil Gaiman.

OTHER PASSIONS:Babylon 5, Racquetball.

OCCUPATION:Lighting Designer, for Theatre, Dance, Video, Music, Fashion, Special Events, etc. Dabbling in theatrical production, and with my production company (see links) I do all kinds of technical things for all kinds of special events.

GROUPS I LIGHT IN NYC: Dave's True Story, Episonic, Andrew Vladeck, Medicine Stick, The Billygoats, Bellwether/The Seems/Blue Umbrella. If they are somewhere I can do anything with the lights, I will probably be there. If not, I may come out to show my support anyhow.

PERSONAL QUOTE: People are divided into three groups: those that are good at math and those that aren't.


Karen, Shadow and meMe at work, 3 years ago (still had ponytail if you look from a different angle.)
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