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Fruvous Dot Com

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Viewing User: Misch

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Basic Information

Username: Misch
First Visit: Aug 10, 1999
Last Visit: Fri, Oct 31, 2014, 9:22pm
Location:Marlton, New Jersey (08053)
About You:I first heard Fruvous as the "Song Of The Day" in my music theory class in my sophomore year. "The Gulf War Song" was featured, followed by "King of Spain" on the next day. My first concert came in the Fall of 1997 at the Harro East Theatre in Rochester, NY. From then on in, I was hooked :-) I'm also a Frutographer. If you are interested in seeing my fru-photographs, drop me a note! Get in touch with me! AIM: mischlep


Dyslexically type I sometimes.

"The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed."


Fair warning to all: I am a FHDC Moderator. I don't plan on using my moderator abilities, but I will if I must. but PLEASE read the Acceptable Use Policy.


A New Car!Me, December 2001Gella steals my juggling ballsRussell Wolff's new CD, with MY picture on it!
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