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Viewing User: Matt Spare

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Matt Spare
Username: Spare
First Visit: Aug 10, 1999
Last Visit: Wed, Dec 17, 2014, 4:56pm
Location:Sayreville, NJ
About You:Profile Updated: 8/6/01 I believe it's Murray who's credited with saying (of Fruvous) "First we were the reason, then we were the excuse, now we're irrelevant" (or something like that) And I've heard a lot of people saying That the friends we've made are the really important thing about this whole zany fru-head experience. And yeah, sure. That's fine. But I still miss the shows. A while ago, I started putting up special fru-head related memories in my profile here, always focusing on the fru-heads, the people in the crowd. Now I'd like to share some memories of Moxy Fruvous-The Band. The concerts. The music. The banter. The real reason they are and probably always will be my favorite band. I guess I'll start with my first live show ever. 8/29/96 The Iron Horse, NoHo. All I knew of them was the CD Bargainville, but it had already been my favorite CD for a year and a half. The tickets were a birthday present and I was pretty excited to finally get to see them. I wasn't diasappointed. They played a song that I was never crazy about on the album- "Video Bargainville". I couldn't believe how much ass it kicked when they played it live. And I couldn't believe how funny they were. At one point during the song "Fly", some jerk in the balcony shouted out "You guys suck!" The band, unperturbed, finished the song, then praised the gentleman for his musical genius in finding the perfect point in the song to shout. They said he should join them during rehersals. Just sit there and say "You suck!" while they play. And during "My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors", After they sang "..My heart's so broke and bleeding, baby's just sitting there..", Murray looked at the rest of the band and said "You suck!" I got to here "King of Spain" live. Which was my favorite song on the album. And I got to here their rendition of that great Theodore Geisel classic "Green Eggs & Ham". They closed with a "Love Potion #9" Medley which seemed to include everything from Alanis Morrisette to the Bee Gees. They came back to do "The Drinking Song" as an encore, and people put their arms around each other, swayed to the music, and sang along. I was completely blown away. So, no offense to any fru-heads out there, but the thing I miss the most about the shows is the shows. Hi Shannon! I still love you. Pictures Updated: 1/22/02


Me Anna and Mindy at the House of Blues (Yes, That's Murray in the Background.)Patches and Mrs. Cheese on their homemade cat mansion (Patches is the black one)Me and Shannon (In Cartoon Form)Me and Shannon "Mocksie" Reilly at a rest area in Maryland.
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