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Viewing User: Alisa-Eri's Neighbour!

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Basic Information

Alisa-Eri's Neighbour!
Username: drillers
First Visit: Nov 13, 2000
Last Visit: Mon, Feb 19, 2001, 8:44pm
Location:Edmonton, Alberta
About You: About me well..... hmmm lets see.... as you probably noticed my user name says "drillers" and you might wonder what that is all about!!..... well I can explain: my favourite sport in the whole wide world which is...--SOCCER-- well, here in Edmonton we have a Professional indoor team called the "drillers". if you'd like to see more... go to my drillers page:Alisa Drillers Page

As for Music: my fav band is Great Big Sea!!, and any other celtic music!!.

hmmm other things lets see: Well I will actually mention religion cause I have way to much fun at my church: All Saints' Anglican Cathedral with the two cool rectors: Greg & Harry- but Harry is leaving us, I will miss him. So as you can tell I am Anglican, yup!!!.

And as for the NAME: ~eri's neighbour~ yup that's me, live right across the fence.... Erica we still have to build that gate between the house's like we always planned... it's too much of a pain going all the way around!!!.

I must say hi to my favourite soccer dude: "Shayne "soupy" Campbell"!!!!!! we still love ya shayne.!!!! Looking forward to new years eve!!.

Thats all folks!. =) .... ICQ #- 28397993


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