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Viewing User: Erica: movin' to Ohio!!

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Erica: movin' to Ohio!!
Username: eurekasims
First Visit: Dec 15, 2000
Last Visit: Wed, Oct 19, 2011, 5:48pm
Location:Brewster, New York
About You:Time All these people they won't leave me alone And we need a little time to ourselves And half the reasons why I'm sketchin' all the time The result of this life in hell But oh well, I think its time My faith is falling like the leaf from a tree The pockets both take it away The sun warms by body as I'm sitting on a swing Watching columbus clouds bring in the rain Oh well I think its time to go My mind is playing tricks on me all the time To let you know that I am real And all the worries you build up inside your soul The ones that make your world stand still ....Mean you can feel That its time to go Are you fed up, are you fed up with me? Do you think that you could do better? Do I think that I know better? Do they think that they know better? Five fed up faces with the itch to kill a king Blood red sunrise, and a breath to air that's clean I drink from the faucet, from the porch I take a pee I look at you through the bushes Where you can't see me I laugh and slip into another state of mind To let you know that I am real And all the worries you build up inside your soul The ones that make your world stand still, mean you can feel That its time to go -blind melon


my girlsmaddy and lianamy pupperlucy and daddy. on xmas day which was also his 28th b-day! yay old man w/ crappy birthday!!!
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