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Smells like.. rotting polyester?

   Discussion: Smells like.. rotting polyester?
Annika · 21 years, 7 months ago
I was sitting at home, doing my, I'm at home by myself thing.. No! Not THAT thing!! The other one, being bored. So I left, and stole my friends car. I went driving around and then stopped at this neat second hand store and found these great shirts! What I didn't realize though is that they have this odor, I don't know what this odor is.. it doesn't smell like anything I've ever smelled before. It makes me wonder, can polyester rot? Is that what that smell is? It's pretty gross. Made me gaggy.
Back · 21 years, 7 months ago has a beautiful smell of it's own!
I take it you HAVE washed them, yes?

If you can, a bit of bleach can help (if your dealing with a mold of somesort)
if you can't bleach, try a bit of baking soda in water and soak em a while.
umm, you may also have noticed that it's not a real "breathy" if you don't wash it after every wear (or at least a good rinse) the sweat smells stay, and are amplified with time, and a damp laundry pile.
(fun stuff, I know...but YOU ASKED!)

I don't dry clean anything (mostly because of price issues) but this may be an option for you if you can't get the smell out any other way.
Every fabric will break down, but I'm not sure if "rot" is the right term. (but maybe someone else here will know)
but, I *am* queen of thrift shopping, so I think any garment should be saved and have many lives!
good luck!
Annika Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

I've tried a few things, the bleach, *going to try the baking soda thing now* and I've tried lemon juice. Now it has a lemony/rotting smell, because I let it soak in the lemon juice, and than I dried it, and than I washed it, and dried it again, hoping that the rotting smell would leave and the lemony smell would stay. I like lemon!

Annika Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

Yay!! The baking soda worked!

Back · 21 years, 7 months ago


it's great for smelly things! ;)


Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

less than Jaci!


Sarah Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
The people living next door the me are the biggest pot heads. I personally don't care what they smoke or anything but it's when they don't open the windows that it bothers me. Then they spray citrus air freshener on top of it and it makes the whole hall smell like artificial citrus pot. Most heinous smell you could imagine. Then they wonder why they get busted by the cops. Sarah
Sarah Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
As far as dry cleaning goes, have you tried that dryell thing? I've been wanting to try it but get suspicious of if it really works or not. I love thrift stores. There are a lot around here that get overstocks from stores and you can get really expensive clothes dirt cheap and brand new. Another thing I love are clearance racks. I always shop near the end of the season because that's when you get the best prices. I bought a cool purple crinkle shirt for like $10 that was originally like $30. I also go to a lot of "going out of business" sales. I got 2 jackets that were originally well over $100 and I got them for $35 each. One was exactly like one a friend of mine bought "on sale" for $129. Sarah
Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

yay! sister thrifty!

I haven't tried the dryell...still can't see spending almost $20 on it.  Clearance racks are awesome too! good call!

I often buy off season stuff!


Sarah Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

Ebay is also great. I've gotten some great stuff, brand new, overstocks for only a fraction of the original price. I know a lot of companies sell overstocks wholesale with the agreement you cut the name label off to prevent returns. Who looks at the tag anyway?

betsy =) Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
i think the dryell stuff works. my roommate uses it like every week on her sweaters and what not.
Erika Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
Dryell works really well- it saved a dress of mine that I lent to a friend that prompty took it to a frat party... you can imagine the smells that came home on that one. Anyway, it got out cigarettes, pot, beer, etc.
Annika Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
Baking soda worked really well! It got the rotting smell and the lemon smell out, now I've got a vodka smell on it because I got bumped into (or tripped into someone rather) and spilled it all down the front of it, then didn't get it washed for a couple days. Stooopid stoopid. lol
Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

oh! when will she learn?



Annika Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
Are you calling me unteachable?! What are you saying? You think I'm fat don't you!

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