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Mike Ford question

   Discussion: Mike Ford question
radiogatorgirl · 20 years, 7 months ago

Hi there.� I'm really new here (like, 2, maybe 3 hours) and I've spent that time going over some of the older posts (and they're� really beyond great!) but� I didn't see what I was looking for, although it's totally possible that I might have looked right at it and it just didn't register.

(I am not the brightest bulb in the chandelier)

I was wondering if Mike had a website, something that kind of tells what he's up too, track tour dates, etc?� I know y'all seem to keep up to date with his appearences, but the deal is: I write for a website, and I'm in the process of writting up something on the band and the memebrs and what they're doing now (partially to spread the Fru-Love, because everyone needs to know about it, partially because I'm hoping that by spreading the Fru-love, KoS will remove itself from my brain, where it has been playing non-stop since December.....slighlty infectious song?� they say one of hte best ways to kill an earworm is to tell others about it, so here's hoping, you know?) anyway, while searching for a Mike Ford web-site, I came across here, and while I've often heard about this forum, I'd never actually been to it, alhtough I wish now I had because it looks really cool, and like I said, the topic are great!)

Any help in this is appreciated.


*edit: I realized the way I had it worded didn't quite sound appetizing, so I just simplified things, sorry)

hkath Back · 20 years, 7 months ago
Hi, and welcome. As far as I know, there is no web page that lists Mike's tour dates. That's because he's playing a lot, but mostly in schools where you can't, like, buy a ticket or anything. Or I'd be there all the time :)

There's a website here (took me 2 minutes to find it on google searching "Mike Ford educational", so I'm fairly sure it's public knowledge) which contains information on how to book him, and a brief description of what he's doing now.

The dates that are posted on the front page here, we found out about either through Mike himself (he opened for Tom Paxton in Toronto in November and handed out postcards advertising the June 4 show) or through Eddie From Ohio. Word of mouth, mostly. Welcome to folk music :)
radiogatorgirl Back · 20 years, 7 months ago
Thank you very much.�� I really appreciate it. I didn't even think of tagging 'educational' behind his name��� Reading the page almost makes me want to be in school again�
A.J. Back · 20 years, 7 months ago
Oh yes, you wish you were. His show is great. A few of us got to see him do it the monday after Frucon last year.

As for a website for himself, he tends to stay out of the public view in any way other than professionally, and he hasn't needed one. Now that he's starting to think about playing public performances, and he's working on an album, I wouldn't be surprised to see a website of some kind come into being in the future.
radiogatorgirl Back · 20 years, 7 months ago

gee, can't understand why he wouldn't want every single detail of his life plastered around.� Who needs privacy?�� j/k

Coolbeans that he's got an album in the works.�� Glad to hear that more decent music will eventually be available.� Watching the Grammys last night, I realized that my musical tastes have become very.......not what's currenlty out there, ya know?

Anway, thanks again for the info.��

Phoenix Back · 20 years, 7 months ago

I realized that my musical tastes have become very.......not what's currenlty out there

Hee. If that's the case fhdc is the best place to hang around��

radiogatorgirl Back · 20 years, 7 months ago

Hee. If that's the case fhdc is the best place to hang around��

That, or I should move to Canada, where 99% of the bands I listen to are from.��Since that's not an option though, I might just spend my free time here.�

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