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Mike Ford, June 4--After Show Party?

   Discussion: Mike Ford, June 4--After Show Party?
Fred Goldberg · 20 years, 11 months ago

Anyone interested in have a Frucon type after show party? (BYOB) I have a suite with the living room about twice as large as the entire suite we had for the last frucon show. Post a reply if interested, but here's directions:

Fred Goldberg's at Fairmont Royal York: Room 13-122.
100 Front Street West, between University and Younge.

Subway to Union Station, across the street, or take the underground Path directly to Royal York Hotel. Must take center elevators, can take express if you want. When you get off the elevator, follow the signs for 13-122, which point you to the right, go to the end of the hall, then turn left and go to the end of the hall again.

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