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The Six Degrees of Moxy Fruvous
Here is a fun game we can play.� It's kinda like the Kevin Bacon game but we use Session musicians.� Here's an example. Willie Nelson Geust starred on Jannis Ian's God & the FBI�Jannis Ian had Andy Stochansky on Hunger, Andy Stochansky is on Jian's First Six Songs and Jian is in Moxy Frvous (Just incase you didn't know.)
Well you have to suggest a new person so people can start trying.
How about Kevin Bacon??
You might be able to get somewhere with the Bacon Bros.
Dave was in Eddie & The Cruisers 2 with Bernie Coulson
Bernie Coulson was in The Accused with Gary Chalk
Gary Chalk was in Trapped with Kevin Bacon
· 20 years, 9 months ago
I know Bernie Coulson.... Obscure actors much?
wait, who's that guy at the end?
Can we got from the Beatles to Fruvous?
If we can then we can get from Pete Best to the Beatles and that's what really matters.
Both John and Ringo have recorded with Tony Levin (Double Fantasy and Ringo the 4th) who has worked with Ellis Paul on Translucent Soul: The Mirror Never Lies (Which Ironically has a song called Who Killed John Lennon) which also has Dar Williams singing back up.� Both Dar and Moxy Fruvous geust starred on The Nield's If You Lived Here You'd Be Home By Now. Thank you.
Very good. It is a bit more direct. Dar cowrote with Jian.
Has Dar releaced that song?� I know Jian hasn't.
· 20 years, 9 months ago
No, but Jian also produced Dar's track on Badlands, the Bruce Springsteen tribute album
Can someone connect Ozzy with Fruvous?
My friend Charly used to play with Ozzy Osbourne every now and again... and he lives in NY.. and thats where they hold FRFF... and Moxy Fruvous has been said to have attended... so being the un-educated fruhead I am.. that's the best I can do.. anyone feel free to out-do me.
I can actually randomly connect Rockapella with the 90's rock group Blessid Union of Souls...in more than one way. Jeff Thacher of Rockapella used to be in Five O'Clock Shadow.. who have played a few dates with Blessid Union.. Sean Altman used to be in Rockapella.. but now plays at Arlenes Grocery.. on the same night usually as my friend Charly and his brother's band, Adam Roth and the Jaded Six... and Charly used to play for Blessid Union of Souls.. so.. yeah.. Can anyone else tell I've got too much time on my hands?
yes. you can pretty much connect anyone in the music industry with anyone else in the music industry.
usually through guest appearances on albums, opening acts, studio musicians or producers.
But if you actually read the rules of the game, we are just using albums.� It would be too easy if we didn't.
Good thing.� Pretty much anyone could go through Conan.
Ok... Ozzy is friends with Dave Navarro (or at the very least, Sharon and the kids went to Dave's wedding), Dave Navarro is cousins with Dan Navarro of Lowen & Navarro, who can be connected to Fruvous via the Nields (whom they just played with at FRFF) or EFO, take your pick.
But that isn't using albums.��  �
You expect me to read CD jackets or something?� NO WAY.���  � I'm way too cool for that.
I thought you were geeky enough for that!��  �
Hell no!��� �I work my 6 degrees through friends, touring lineups, and often people I just know have met, but only the occasional record.� One of my friends was raving about the OutKast video for "Roses," and since she is not too knowledgable of Kids in the Hall, I reminded her this guy she took a picture of me with once at a Fruvous show was Kevin McDonald... who is, of course, the principal in the OutKast video.� She immediately was content in having degrees of separation from Andre 3000 and Big Boi.� Heh. I could PROBABLY do the degrees game with bands I REALLY follow like the Honeydogs and Matthew Sweet and whatnot... but unfortunately not with OZZY *horns*� �
I�know if I had some time I could do it.� I know Ozzy's Drummer was in Faith No More.� Faith No More, however never recorded with their one time front woman, Courtney Hole, er I mean Love.� Sorry, that was an old school dave joke from a show in 1995.� "That Courtney Hole, she's a freind of mine!"
· 20 years, 9 months ago
I sure do love bacon.....
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's BACON!!!!!
Dogs don't know it's not bacon!
-- Pauley
"It's not bacon, it's squirrel." "Mmmmm.....Squirrel." -Seth Green and some hairy guy from Without a Paddle
"What IS that." "It's bacon." "I know it's bacon... what have you done to it?" "You said you don't like all the grease from fried bacon.� So I boiled it." -Better off Dead
· 20 years, 9 months ago
o/' but the squirrel never ran OF the tree...yeah!!!! �� prep-o-si-tion, pre-po-si-tion, pre-po-si-tion {f%#kin} pre-po-si-tion� o/' *grin*��� *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeal*
Does anyone want to play?
· 20 years, 9 months ago
Weird Al.� Do it.
Ben Folds played piano on Weird Al's latest album, "Poodle Hat."
Ben Kweller joined Ben Folds for "The Bens" project.
Ben Kweller played and sang on Guster's album "Keep it Together."
Guster opened for Barenaked Ladies on their fall, 2000 tour
Moxy Früvous appear on If I Had $1000000 on Barenaked Ladies' first album, "Gordon."
I'd need more liner notes around to do it without using the 'opening act' bit.
but if the opening act stands, then so does the Central Park Summer Stage show featuring both Guster and Ben Folds (and Rufus too). Removes an entire Ben Kweller.
· 20 years, 9 months ago
As opposed to half of a Ben Kweller.
heh, oh yeah. I even saw one of the Rufus/Guster/Ben shows and completely forgot about that connection. :)
· 20 years, 9 months ago
Um, didn't Fr�vous open for Weird Al once?� That would pretty much cut out the whole thing, if we're allowing openers.
Al showed up to a show.� There is a picture of the 5 of them on FDC.� Rember that website?� Fr�vous Dot Com?
· 20 years, 9 months ago
Actually you can link that even faster. Ben Folds and Fruvous have both worked with members of the Klezmatics, on "Steven's Last Night in Town" and "Sad Today" respectively :D
· 20 years, 9 months ago
Eddie Murphy. DO IT.
· 20 years, 9 months ago
Chris Barrie (Rimmer on Red Dwarf)
Let's see you get this one.
(Please do. I'll be very amused and pleased.)
· 20 years, 9 months ago
you totally cheated ;)
But has Chris Barrie been on an album?
· 20 years, 9 months ago
I think so. The "Tongue Tied" single, no?
Not sure.� The single was just releaced as "The Cat"
· 20 years, 9 months ago
Plus Weird Al was in stuff with 2 of the Kids in the Hall. He was in an�episode of Lilo and Stitch with Kevin and he was on The Simpsons with Scott. I think there was 1 more, either with Mark, Bruce, or Dave.
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