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zilly's secret diary revealed!!!

   Discussion: zilly's secret diary revealed!!!
Pacho · 20 years, 1 month ago
heyas, haven't written in awhile, here we go:

(1) welcome spectator linsday. i've only known lindsey's before so this is all new to me ;)

(2) people acting all creeped out when you're freindly is an american thing. if you're not friendly here people get weirded out. ask annika about buying her first pack of smokes in canada at the gas station. i was so sure that she was livid at the clerk for not smiling, being nice, etc. silly non-friendly americans!

(3) every time i read about your dad being his usual bastard self i think of psychology, and specifically that wonderful book of freudian views on schizophrenia where it basically calls children of schizophrenia 'the hated child'. as in being mistreated as a child makes you become schizo. *shrugs* i'd say cut off all ties, etc. but i know what blood means, so.

(4) i swear to god i'm going to get you on that phone, damn you to heck and dagnabit, etc. does your phone do caller id enough to tell it's me calling? ;) i should start calling at 6 PM every day your time until i finally catch you.

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