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   Discussion: Creative Writing Schools
100% dainty! · 20 years ago
Since the Fruheads are my best source for a wealth of information, I thought I'd come here and do some information gold-digging. :) I'm applying to grad school for an MFA in creative writing, and i was wondering if any of you cool cats had recommendations. Sara, Josh said you went to Bowling Green-- How was that? Lemme know!! xox
sheryls Back · 20 years ago

Sara got her MFA there? i didn't know that!

talcott was in the undergrad creative writing school too. i think he's going to grad school in new hampshire for it?

also, donna goes to Queens in Charlotte for hers. :P

Sara Woodward Back · 20 years ago
I did go to BG for creative writing. I can't say I'd recommend it. It was fine, but the professors were all far more interested in avoiding having to actually teach any classes so they could work on their own writing than in helping students. nice people for the most part, they just seem to be not much interested in actually teaching.
100% dainty! Back · 20 years ago
oooh thanks for that tip. yeah, thats a shame when profs are like that.
Talcott Back · 20 years ago
Hehe, I'm in the exact same position as you (or almost ;-)

I got my BFA from Bowling Green too. It's not bad, but a lot of the profs do have a strong bias towards gradstudents (vs. undergrads). Are you going for poetry or fiction (the poetry program is stronger at BG). That said, as a grad student, you get to teach actual creative writing classes, which is nice and also a bit rare (as opposed to just basic comp classes)

The best advise I've gotten is to look at who is teaching and find what style you lean towards. What you want to do with the degree might also be a concern. There are a lot of "low residency" programs now, which are done mostly through the mail. They're good if you want to keep working, but don't offer much in the way of TAships and such.

Right now, I'm most seriously looking at the MA in writing at University of New Hampshire, which looks really good (and has Charles Simic :-) I'm also thinking of applying to Ohio State, Western Michigan, and University of Indiana.

sheryls Back · 20 years ago

Ohio State,


Western Michigan,

i was born there!

and University of Indiana


betsy =) Back · 20 years ago
erm.... it's actually Indiana University. and I'm looking there too. =)

*is a HOOSIER!!*
sheryls Back · 20 years ago
i just think HOOSIER is a really funny word :P all my step-uncles and step-cousins went there (they're from ft. wayne ;)

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