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FRFF '06 - new festival site !!

   Discussion: FRFF '06 - new festival site !!
Phoenix · 19 years, 6 months ago
This is from the Club Helsinki newsletter - a folk club in Great Barrington, MA near the Western MA/NY line.

Falcon Ridge Folk has a new home!

You may have heard that the longtime home of Falcon Ridge Folk Festival, Bob Brennan's Long Hill Farm, has been sold. Fear not, this institution of song, family, friends and dance is solidly entrenched and looking forward to many more years of bringing us joy.

As our friends at FRFF gear up for the 18th annual presentation of what has become the focal point of summer, a new location has just been finalized.

When promoters Anne Saunders and Howard Randall were part of the crowd at Club Helsinki this Saturday night for the incomparable Kennedys (and what a show Pete and Maura gave us!), we had a few moment to chat about the future of this highlight of folk festival calendar.

Well, the news is good, and with boots still damp from a site inspection, and an enthusiastic appraisal of the new site's wonders, Anne asked me to pass the word on to our Journal readers.

The 2006 version of this tradition will be held just up the road, at the Dodds Farm, located 6 miles north of Hillsdale, NY (at the intersection of Rts. 22 and 7D).

We will miss Long Hill Farm, but as the falcon flies it is only a moment's flight to the festival's wonderful new home. More details soon at

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