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My Latest Parody

   Discussion: My Latest Parody
frumanchu · 18 years, 5 months ago
OK, since I live close to Toledo and therefore hear endlessly about Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, I felt compelled to compose a tribute to the circumstances surrounding their relationship. Thus I give you....

Suri With The Fringe Cult Pop

(sung by Martin Holmes to the tune of "Surrey With The Fringe On Top" from the musical Oklahoma!)

Our dear Katie just had a daughter
She stayed silent just like he taught 'er
We can�t wait to meet little Suri with the Fringe Cult Pop!

We taped him going bonkers on Oprah,
Shaking her wildly and jumping the sofa,
So that one day Suri would know about her Fringe Cult Pop.

Our girl's hormonal but can't make a sound
The Paxil's gone from the cupboard.
And Tom's off having the placenta browned.
Thank you, L. Ron Hubbard!

Now Tom's chef is preparing the gravy
To wash down the afterbirth of Rosemary's Baby
Meanwhile Kathy and I hope that maybe MI3 will flop
And that Katie saves dear Suri from her Fringe Cult Pop!

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