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   Discussion: Poll?
A.J. · 18 years ago
Ok, I haven't logged on here in like, forever, so I have only myself to blame for confusion. But if anyone would like to tell me, what happend to the FHDC poll? It is gone (at least on my screen).
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 18 years ago
It was gone, then it came back, now it is gone again. There have been no official announcements about what happened. I think it is a suspect in the war on terror and is being held incommunicado at Gitmo.
Rachel Marie aka RAI Back · 18 years ago
Around the same time the Poll was taken away, the discussions here kinda disappeared as well. I think they were in kahoots.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 17 years, 11 months ago
Maybe they ran away to tiajuana together.
Kat Kunz · 17 years, 11 months ago
...these days, I came mostly for the poll. Honestly, a week (or two) can go by and I'll forget to log in and see what's up now that they're gone. Oh, well.

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