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FHDC favorite song poll results!

   Discussion: FHDC favorite song poll results!
John J. Ryan · 16 years, 11 months ago

Looks like Fly beat out Fell In Love by a whisker!!!  So, there you have it.  FHDC's favorite Moxy Fruvous song is Fly.

If I were to rank the top 5 (Thank you John Cusack) according to this, I'd put it in this order:

5.  My Baby Loves A Bunch Of Authors
4.  The Drinking Song
3.  Nuits De Reve
2.  Fell In Love
1.  Fly

I put Nuits De Reve at #3 because it virtually tied the eventual winner, Fly, in a preliminary round.

Look for a brand new song tournament to come Monday morning.  YOU vote on the band it will be for!

Will work for anime Back · 16 years, 11 months ago
Shouldn't you be thanking Nick Hornby who wrote the book that the movie was based on that stared John Cusack? ^_^

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