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It's Been Soooooooo Long

   Discussion: It's Been Soooooooo Long
Kevin Barthelemy · 13 years, 1 month ago

I've only been a Moxy Früvous fan since '95....thanks to WEBX FM (that wonderful, but short-lived station in Champaign, IL). If my memory serves, my first show was Dec 8, 1995 at Mike & Molly's. When they next showed up in Champaign (I think), they did a short show at Periscope Records, and I made my wife go to that..and she was hooked. My favorite shows were at Mabel's, but that isn't to say that I didn't thoroughly enjoy every show I went to.

It's kind of funny, how I ended up here. I was reading a thread about Rush Limbaugh's recent faux pas on the JREF forums, which, of course, reminded me of Greatest Man in America. I then looked for a location I could steer them to, to hear it, but failed...but I found Fruhead.Com!

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