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Jian v. CBC et al

   Discussion: Jian v. CBC et al
nerdwordbird · 10 years, 1 month ago
We should talk about this stuff.
monagrrl · 10 years, 1 month ago
Not sure what I can even think of to say. Shell-shocked. Heartbroken. The lads have spoken out:
Jeshala · 10 years, 1 month ago
Seriously.  I'm really torn on how to react to all of this.  On one hand, having gone through something in the same vein, I want to delete everything.  On the other hand... well you guys get it.I feel bad for the other guys, though.  Hopefully they can come to terms with what's been revealed about such an old friend.
Will work for anime · 10 years, 1 month ago
How can I just erase something that was such an important part of my life at one time? But how can I still enjoy music and memories that I loved anymore without the taint of whats been going on? I met my husband at a Fruvous show FFS. "If Only You Knew" was our wedding song 12 and 1/2 years ago. I haden't really listened to alot of Fruvous music in awhile. Then when Amanda Palmer announced last month that Jian was going to be her guest at her Lee Palace show, I was so excited that I started listening to all the albums again. The fond memories of Frucons and concerts and friends and even times on the forums and all the great times we had came flooding back. Then this week all that came to a crashing holt. When Jian posted his "statement" on Sunday, I still really wanted to belive him. With every new allegation, though, I knew that it was stupid and wrong of me to hold on to the belief that the kind drummer guy I remebered from 1999 was not the same person i kept reading about now. If what is being said is true, I really hope that those women (and any others that have not come forward yet) can see justice prevail and can begin to heal. Amanda Palmer made the right decision not to have him at her show (although at this point, he probably would not have come there anyway). It just makes me so sad.I've seen more people on the time line in the place in the past 6 days then in the past 6 years. I would really like to start a discussion here with some of you guys again. Together, maybe we can start to heal as well. 
nerdwordbird · 10 years, 1 month ago
Hi Draco. Yes I think we can. Healing is probably the perfect word too. I don't know about anyone else, but I've been feeling some kind of guilt by association. Simply because he kinda gave me the creeps the few times I met him in person, plus I later heard through the grapevine that he kissed some fans and pulled their hair, and certain rumours about what happened in hotel rooms. But I *still* admired his talent and was proud to see him go so far after Fruvous. Imagine if we could have somehow stopped him from going on to hurt all the women he hurt.I'm really sorry for you, that this threatens to taint some personal things as your wedding song. I don't have as strong an emotional connection to their music but even I've felt that twinge, enjoying the same songs I listed to obsessively thru the late 90s and early 2000s. Especially the Live Noise album because of how it highlights all the lads' witty improv bits. I think of all the intelligence he has and I just think WHY, why not recognize that you needed help and go get it?
kitan · 10 years, 1 month ago
I never saw Moxy Früvous in person but they defined my high school experience and really helped me get through a lot. That was 1999-2003. When this broke, I was shocked.And then today I saw the "All my fans make me sick" Did anyone ever really know them?
nerdwordbird · 10 years, 1 month ago
Them, or just Jian? We still know the other three as good guys.... right?  I was disappointed to see Mike sing along in that video, until I realized he seemed to stumble into it partway through and may not have heard Jian's speech that he was serious.
Breno · 10 years ago
Wow... created an account for this. This all just burns a lot. Hope the others come out and make some sort of statement... Jian can go rot for all I care.
Jim · 9 years, 10 months ago
So, I've been struggling with what to write about all this. Everything I am feeling has been echoed in other people's posts. I went through the pissed-off, trash all my MF stuff. But it was a portion of my life that I don't regret. It's true that the music isn't as much of a constant part of my daily life, but I've been listening to the live shows that are on and fondly remembering being at MF live shows and the way that made me feel. And the festivals and meeting people and the Budgiedome and music circles and all the friends I have because I met them at a Fruvous show. *sigh*. I just want this to be okay. And this is the place where everyone will understand.

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