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What band should get the next favorite song poll? |
What band should get the next favorite song poll?
John J. Ryan
· 17 years, 6 months ago
Since the Fruvous poll spurred a lot of healthy conversation, I'm willing to run another one. But you get to choose which band! I've selected the Top 8 bands from the music recommendations on FHDC for the poll.
Get your votes in by then, and I'll have the first poll of the new band out that day!
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 17 years, 6 months ago
If it is BNL I can't really participate since I don't really know their music. I will say this for them. Their first CD has the best album title ever.
I know, thought the Beatles would have the most probably I doubt many people here are familiar with all their albums.
I really just posted to make the comment about the about BNL's first album :-) Hey would could vote for the best of Jian's first six songs! [Hides] You must first create an account to post.
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