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   Discussion: Forgot to fill out your survey?
nate... · 20 years, 6 months ago
I sure did. I emailed Anne, and apparently they're going to set up an online version for idiots like me. :) Just thought I'd give ya'll a heads-up.
lawrence Back · 20 years, 6 months ago
w00t! it's ballot box stuffing time!

er... I mean. yeah.
Shelly · 20 years, 6 months ago
i never GOT one coz...well...i was busy flitting and such{well, that and i never set foot in the merch tent at -all-....bad form for a merch girl, right?? *g*}. someone left one at camp that i grabbed, but i dunno where i put it, so i was just gonna do the online thiang when they posted it again.

^k^, who was that band that bob suggested we write in that we'd like to see there??? i forget their name, but they sounded intriguing.......

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