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Are you looking for an "I (heart) Candian Boys" t-shirt?

   Discussion: Are you looking for an "I (heart) Candian Boys" t-shirt?
iambe · 19 years, 7 months ago

DaWezl from (yes, it's those damn BNL fans) is holding a Hurricane Katrina teacup auction. Included in this auction is one official, barely worn, size M "I (heart) Canadian Boys" baby doll t-shirt.

I know this, because I donated it. I bought it at an Fruvous show on the Sunset Strip (The Troubador, I think) around 2000 or so. I wanted the guys to autograph it, but there really isn't anywhere to sign on a black t-shirt. Plus, I think I�scared Jian. I get a little hyper sometimes.

Anyway, I'm promoting the auction. I don't THINK it violates the rules, the money goes to the Red Cross (Directly. You donate it to them and then forward the reciept to her for proof and tickets. For details about that, go here

Plus, this t-shirt is rather hard to find and I thought some of you might be interested. The only reason I'm giving it up is because:

a. It's a good cause, and
b. It doesn't fit anymore.

The t-shirt can be seen here:

Anyway, there's other stuff up for auction. Please help if you can. Teacup auctions are cool because you can win something with only a $5 donation.



dgodwin Back · 19 years, 7 months ago
Support this good cause... And to threadjack, what happened to Is there another place bnl fans are chatting now in its place?

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