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Great Talent

   Discussion: Great Talent
emily · 18 years, 4 months ago

I just started listenin to this really�talented Band "The Fray"..(maybe you've heard of them)�but he has a great voice, he sings while he��� plays an�awsome piano..and has an awsome band.. and the words��� are like poetry.. some make me want to cry some make me want to� jump up and�dance.. they are different ..thats what makes me love� them.. really should check them out if u havent already..<3-Em������

What Band or Singer do u like, that u think has "Great Talent"?

derek harrison · 18 years, 4 months ago
this should be in the 'other music' section.

and second of all... the two artists i respect the most are Andrew Bird and Sufjan Stevens. Andrew Bird's live act is incredible. At, under the 'Listen' section there are numerous audio and video links. I personally suggest his filmed performance on Morning Becomes Eclectic.
goovie is married! Back · 18 years, 4 months ago
andrew is my hero. sufjan also rocks highly.

(and this is in the "other music" section).
derek harrison Back · 18 years, 4 months ago
it's bbeen moved
caroline: tired. Back · 18 years, 4 months ago
I just got some of Andrew Bird's stuff, and it's freaking brilliant. He's freaking brilliant. F'serious.

He's on my list of "people whose music I need to get more of."
Jerrilyh · 18 years, 4 months ago
You should all listen to Josh Rouse. Also The Sounds, Echobelly, New Black, and Sleater-Kinney.

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