Hello, Newbie here. Friends got me hooked on the band several years ago, after the Hiatus started, and have been hoping for years to see a new show.
Interested in movies, music, and despising the US Political system. Mostly will end up a lurker here, but any ideas on how to do a grassroots "plea" to the band will be meeted with great joy.
Let's see...when dark, favorite song is "Fly", fun would be "King of Spain" of course.
Can't think of a whole lot to add, but this looks like it will be a fun site to check out. Thanks for that.
my friend introduced this to me when i was in the hospital after my car accident
do we tell him about the initiation rites/hazing? please? please? pretty please? i promise we won't kill him....
· 18 years, 9 months ago
Of course you won't <i>kill</i> him. That's my job during initiations. ChrisChin, stand by with the defibrillators!!!
'Ello. Found the band about a month ago or so. Don't have a favourite song yet; I like them all so far.
Welcome Gabby VaiVedrai!
(I really gotta get some new material)
I'm waiting for the opportunity to use the tried and true; "The reply button is your friend."
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