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Chicagoland show not to miss in October

Localized Topic: Based out of Chicago, Illinois.

   Discussion: Chicagoland show not to miss in October
Erick · 18 years, 7 months ago
Get Tickets!

Steve Poltz, Billy Harvey, and fellow Fruhead Erick Rudiak are going to rock a living room on Sunday, October 22nd, and there's time for y'all to join us.  For those of you that don't know Steve, he's been the frontman of the touching and hilarious San Diego band The Rugburns, toured with Fruvous back in the day, played muse and songwriting co-conspirator to Jewel, and was voted San Diego's Most Influential Artist of the Decade.  You can imagine my excitement when, after hearing a few of my songs out in California this summer, Steve suggested we play a house concert together when he comes through Chicago on tour.  That tour is happening this fall, and if you're interested in seeing us play, click on over to to get details on the show (it's at 6:00 PM on October 22nd) and reserve your spot in the front row.  The house concert format is about as good as it gets for the singer/songwriter/troubadour genre: we take over some willing soul's living room (or, in this case, a coffee house with couches) and we play -- sans stage, sans big amplifiers, sans darkness, sans "fourth wall" -- for an audience that's sitting close enough to hear us blink.  This offer comes with a guarantee: if this isn't the best show I ever play, I will personally drive you home from the show, singing nothing but Queen and ABBA songs at the top of my voice (unless you think that'll make it worse).  Seating is limited (it's a living room, not The Aragon Ballroom), so act fast!

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