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Dan Bern - Kids Prayer

   Discussion: Dan Bern - Kids Prayer
Paul D. Beasi · 17 years, 10 months ago
I found the CD in the wrong location on my rack.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 17 years, 10 months ago
what CD do you have it on? The only one I know is one of the City Folk Live CDs. I think volume 2.
Paul D. Beasi Back · 17 years, 10 months ago
It's a single. The front says:

"Kids' Prayer
Written by Dan Bern
Copyright 1999 Kababa Music/ASCAP"

The back says:

"Dan Bern wrote Kids' Prayer in June 1998 after the
Springfield, Oregon high-school shootings. He performed
it live on KPIG (Santa Cruz, CA) in July, 1998. After the
Littleton, Colorado tragedy KPIG aired Kids' Prayer
and received such tremendous response that
the live version has been released.

Profits from this CD will benefit the
Children's Defense fund.

Lyrics and additional information are available at"

I couldn't remember if I'd purchased it or downloaded it off of his website, but I couldn't find a CD so I assumed it was a download. But then I thought to look under "D" instead of "B" with the rest of my Dan Bern albums and found it misfiled.

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