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Shameless begging for recording...

   Discussion: Shameless begging for recording...
Kevin · 17 years, 1 month ago
Hey Fruheads,
I have a very large favor to ask...I'm desperately searching for a recording...June 26 1997 at Manhattan Square Park in Rochester.  This was my first ever Fruvous show, which I attended with my older brother, and I'd love to give him a copy for Christmas.  If anyone has this taped and is willing to work something out with someone who has fairly little to trade, please let me know!!
Will work for anime Back · 17 years, 1 month ago
I have the recording (it was my first fru-show too ^_^) and would gladly set up a trade or summit with you. You can also check out this old thread. That may be a bit easier for you to get it yourself.

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