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Fruhead songs - gone..? |
Fruhead songs - gone..?
Rock & Robin Norris
· 21 years, 7 months ago
hey folks, we're new to the forums, but have followed moxy since around 1998. unfortunately, we onyl got to see a handful of concerts before the semi-perpetual extended hiatus.
in the meantime, i have wanted to listen to the fruhead songs on fruvous.com, but none of them seem to load. anyone else having trouble accessing them? who would i email to ask what's going on? fruvous.com hasn't been updated in forever, so i guess i need to address such things over here and hope someone can point me/us in the right direction.
rock and robin
yeah, I can't download them either. Email [email protected] If you don't get a response, though, I think I've got them all and I can put them up for download. Let me know.
Rock & Robin Norris
· 21 years, 7 months ago
i'll shoot off an email and see what i get. i'll let you know.
Rock & Robin Norris
· 21 years, 7 months ago
been 48+ hrs. and still no reply. somebody probably just needs to walk over and kick the server housing the songs, but it seems no one's home.
if you do have them available, and would be willingg to post them, we would appreciate it. thanks, r'n'r
we'd love to get a copy of those songs as well, so long as you're in the giving mood. our email is in our profile. thanks again!
(p.s. yeah, we always looked to fruvous.com for info on the guys, in whole or in part, but it really seems to have unravelled over the past few years...)
· 21 years, 7 months ago
I heard a while back that Josh was planning on taking over FDC from Chris, who clearly no longer is interested. What ever happened to that? If Josh doesn't want it, It REALLY should be given to someone (not me, I'm too much of a cyber dummy).
One of the resons that the hiatus seems so permanant is that there is no updating going on over there. At the very least the rest of the fruhead songs should be posted.
I've even sent stuff to FDC (like pictures and old tour dates) which were never added.
I cleaned out my sent mail folder so if he doesn't have them, they are now gone. I would think after a year I could delete it. :\
Rock & Robin Norris
· 21 years, 6 months ago
Still no word as to what's wrong with the posted Fr�head songs. AJ, do you still have the Traugott song et al.?
Thanks, Rock & Robin
Rock & Robin Norris
· 21 years, 6 months ago
Much obliged! Thou art a scholar, and yes, a gentleman.
· 12 years, 8 months ago
A long time ago I got the 10 Fruhead songs that were on fruvous.com, and I just happened to find this forum post saying there were lots more out there. I would really really love to get the rest of them if some kind person would make them available to me somehow. :-)
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