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Photo Gallery: Pauley's Photos

Pauley's Photos
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Fr�Con Group Shot 2
The second group shot at the end of the main con gathering (higher-res original available: Fr�m "Pauley" for details)
Viewed 728 times
Fr�Con Group Shot 1.5
Candid shot between frames -- somehow, the timer mode was shut off. :-P
Viewed 764 times
Fr�Con Group Shot 1
The first group shot at the end of the main con gathering (higher-res original available: Fr�m "Pauley" for details)
Viewed 769 times
The Drinking Song
We even just stuck guitars on random people for this. Seriously. (OK, not really.)
Viewed 753 times
The Mob
An excessive number of guitarists tune up for the grand finale.
Viewed 788 times
Open Mike 19
She recovers quickly, though. Sing it, sister!
Viewed 793 times
Open Mike 18
Our "Perfect Timing" runner-up -- At this instant, Squee hasn't quite gathered yet that the strap is no longer attached to the guitar. :)
Viewed 807 times
Open Mike 17
Josh accompanies Gella during open mike.
Viewed 786 times
Open Mike 16
Lawrence performs during open mike.
Viewed 768 times
Open Mike 15
Jill performs during open mike.
Viewed 777 times
Open Mike 14
John accompanies Stacey during open mike.
Viewed 783 times
Open Mike 13
Melissa (left), Kath, Gella, and Carey perform during open mike
Viewed 789 times
Open Mike 12
Neal performs during open mike.
Viewed 798 times
Open Mike 11
Carey performs during open mike.
Viewed 789 times
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