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Welcome to the New FHDC!

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Welcome to the New FHDC!

Posted by: Josh Woodward on Mon, Jul 8, 2002

Entropy is a complete rewrite of the old FHDC. The old site was very Fruhead-specific, so this will allow me to create other communities like this one with the same code. It also has lots of nifty new features. :-)

  • Diaries - A full-featured diary program in beta. It has most of the features you\'re used to elsewhere, with editable templates, discussion, etc.
  • Streaming Wall - Why wait for the PowerWall to refresh? Try out the new streaming PowerWall for instant updates!
  • Enhanced FruTripping - Get driving directions for shows, distances, and threaded discussion!
  • Enhanced News - Why just read the news? Talk about it in the new discussion forums.
  • Polls - Speak your mind! Not only can you vote and talk about polls, you can suggest your own!
  • Versioned Homepages - Screwed up your homepage sometime last month, and you don't know when? Roll it back!
  • Editable Front Page - You control what goes where on your front page. Lots of new modules are available, such as weather, google searches, etc.
  • Site Themes - Don't like the look of the new site? Change it!

Everything was imported from the new site with the partial exception of locations. The new site stores "correct" location information, meaning that someone who listed "San Jose, CA" would have their location migrated, while those who listed "Silicon Valley" would not. To see if yours changed, go here. Also, the new music picks have a 1 to 10 rating field. Since the old did not, I set everyone's vote to 7 and sorted by the number of votes.

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