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Poll: What chain has the best donuts? |
Best Chain Donut
I barely ever eat donuts anymore. Usually go for dunkin donuts out of convenience because they're on every corner here. I don't like krispy kreme. Way too sweet. Ummm...anyone wanna guard me from being punched? :) I don't like dough donuts much to start with...I'll enjoy them but not nearly as much as cake donuts. But then on top of that, the krispy kreme donut is so damn sugary supersweet it makes me ill. (I know they make others but the main seller one is the one I'm talking about. The one you get to watch go through the machine.) Blech.
You and I can cower in the corner or something. I can't stand Krispy Kremes. They're all gloppy and sticky and disgusting. A proper glazed donut should have a thin, relatively uniform and mostly hardended glaze.
aside from that, though, I prefer the toasted coconut donuts that Dunkin' Donuts offers anyway. Not so much a fan of the donuts dipped in thick liquid sugar.
nice hot fresh krispy kreme, yum yum yum.
but i also love timbits. dangerously addictive, those.)
Bruce Rose
· 18 years, 9 months ago
Chain donuts are never the best. A good local bakery is always the way to go.
Paul D. Beasi
· 18 years, 9 months ago
I like Krispy Kreme glazed donuts, but for overall selection my vote has to go to the Whole Donut.
yeah, i only eat it on roadtrips now, long ones that span a mealtime. usually the columbus-to-chicago drive. I can still stomach tacobell so long as nothing i get is steamed (mexican pizza, meximelt, etc)...because the cheese gets too graesy. and only 1 gr beef item, or none. (omg, beanburrito no onions�<3)
!! your lack of Krispy Kreme goodness needs to rectified soon!
emilie is CRANKY
· 18 years, 9 months ago
i vote dunkin donuts. irrespective of the fact that there's a krispy kreme concession in slough now. *snort*
Yay, I'm glad I took you to Dunkin' Donuts not Krispy Kreme.
So notice how neither chain can spell their name right?
What I've always found hilarious is that until recently something so American like dunkin donuts was owned by teh French :D
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 18 years, 9 months ago
Does the word doughnut come from doughnought e.g. dough zero?
Yeah it's not great. I was annoyed I couldn't link right to the doughnut entry. Bah. But it's got some decent info.
At least I'm not the only one that came up with the theory even though mine is a bit different. I never thought the nought referred to the missing dough in the hole but just that it was shaped like a zero.
i always thought that word was spelled 'naught'. this is embarrassing, considering that i use the word somewhat regularly, at least much more then most people. might it be a canadian/american difference? my teachers never point it out as a spelling error, but maybe they also don't know, and are just taking my word for how it's spelt. maybe i'm single-handedly, albeit slowly, changing the accepted spelling of a word! i'm excited now.
i always thought that word was spelled 'naught'.
As did I.
i guessed so, since a day after that i found the word naught in a book. i forget what book.... hmmmm
· 18 years, 9 months ago
I used to like Krispy Kreme, but then I ate 2 at a swing dance contest sponsored by them, and went dancing. We came in second, but I puked during the awards ceremony.
Thought ya'll needed to know that. - M
Will work for anime
· 18 years, 8 months ago
I *heart* Tim Horton's walnut crunch bars. And i prefer them in Canada...for some reason i think they taste better then the US stores...i dunno...probly just a mind thing.
I used to like Krispy Kreme when they first opened...but the novelty quickly wore off and now i just find them too sickly sweet. My second favorite are the apple fritters from my local grochery store (they make there own). They're HUGE and nothing tastes better with a glass of milk.
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 18 years, 8 months ago
Anyone else here love zeppoli? They are italian fried dough usually covered with powdered sugar. Yummy.
Jillian Bird
· 18 years, 8 months ago
Up here in Canada, Krispy Kreme's still not that popular. The only time I get them is when we go to Mississauga to visit my husband's mother's grave. There's a Krispy near the cemetary. I always associate Krispy Kreme with death.
That sort of fits in with a description I heard. "Eating a hot cripy creme donut is like taking a bite of an angel's halo."
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