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Poll: Favorite Movie Poll - Animated Category Poll #4

The Nightmare Before Christmas 6 (55%)
101 Dalmatians 1 (9%)
Peter Pan 0 (0%)
Pinnochio 1 (9%)
Pocahontas 0 (0%)
The Polar Express 0 (0%)
The Rescuers 1 (9%)
Robin Hood 0 (0%)
Robots 0 (0%)
The Secret Of Nimh 2 (18%)
   Discussion: Favorite Movie Poll - Animated Category Poll #4
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 15 years ago
This one was almost impossible. Pinnochio is perhaps the greatest classic Disney film. How to compare that against the weirdness of Nightmare Before Christmas. I voted for Nightmare but I'm not convinced that it 50 years anyone will remember Nightmare, Pinnochio will not be forgotten.
J. Andrew World Back · 15 years ago
 I Disagree. I feel that classic disney films are being forgotten because of things like "Bambi 2." This cheepens the orginal and makes us want to forget.
I had Matt Spare's baby! · 15 years ago
I had a feeling this poll wouldn't include The Point!.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 15 years ago
I thought Melissa would be the one pointing that out.
Rachel Marie aka RAI Back · 15 years ago
 Oh man! I would have voted for that!

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