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Review of "Eddie from Ohio"


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Eddie from Ohio
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high-energy, high-spirited folk.


Kat Kunz:

high-energy, high-spirited folk.

these guys are WONDERFUL! definitely worth seeing live, though they do tend to tour mostly on the east-to-midwest parts of the country. check out their newest, looking out the fishbowl, chock full of folk-pop goodness. you *won't* be able to sit still. i promise.

Josh Woodward:

Rootsy Folky Rock

This is one of those "duh" recommendations. You need EFO. EFO needs you. :-) If you like Fruvous, you'll almost certainly like EFO.

Andrea Krause:

Folky rocky goodness with the fastest hands in the east!

Eddie From Ohio is one darn entertaining band. Their albums kick butt also, especially the live one or Looking Out the Fishbowl. But see them live. They will make you laugh, dance, cry, and they'll give you chills. And watch Eddie's hands...just watch 'em.

Maddy The Hitman:

recently got the cd, and i am unable to stop listening to it

they are wonderful, in fact, that i am dragging two of my friends to go see them in September.

danced with Lazlo:

My God...

I've seen them only once, but OH MY GOD! You can NOT sit still for these guys, you just have to jump up and go crazy! They are SO for Fr�heads and anyone else who loves spirited high energy fun folky music! EFO ROCKS!

Emy and her umbrella:

i like 'em

i like 'em a lot!

Ken Perschke:

Fun! High Power Folk +

I first saw these guys at FRFF and was totally blown away! Not to be missed!

Gordondon son of Ethelred:

Quite Fruvian Folkies from VA.

I discovered EFO at a required listening show at the Bottom line. They are really first rate. Clever lyrics and great music. Two members of the Band told Jian that "C" was Fr�vous' best album, better than Thornhill, they get major Gordonpoints for that.

Steph Strenger:

EFO ain't ELO...

Someone had to do that. Anyway, these guys are very cool. Folksy that can also go into pop. They also do some really great harmonies. I can not wait to see them live someday...hopefully soon. But anyway, buy "Lookin' Out the Fishbowl". It's a great album.

Rachel Marie aka RAI:

Soothing yet happy.

I downloaded a EFO song to hear what they sound like and fell in love right away. I only have one of their CDs and have yet to see them live, but I love 'em and I REALLY want to see them. They're awesome.

Gene Frey:

Smart and funny, great musicians, folkin' excellent


i think EFO is cool. come on they do a school house rocks medley! they have to be cool!


Virginia in my eyes

They are AMAZING!!!!! From the first time i heard them on The Eclectic Cafe{go ^kat^!!!!} i loved them. First saw them live at FRFF 2000 and now i'm HOOKED!!! go see them wherever you can. they can go from a funny, quirky song to a slow beautiful ballad that touches your soul. julie puts across a great song, robbie schaefer has a most melodious voice, mike clem is..well....*swoooon*, and they are amazing songwriters. oh...and what andrea said; watch eddie's hands. :)

Bruce Rose:

Loved 'em before... Love 'em MORE now

After hearing 5 albums, I finally made it to an EFO show. They blew me away. EFO has wonderful musicianship topped with VERY strong vocals. I'm up to 7 albums now. You must have Quick! Then again, you must have them all, and sequence doesn't matter.


"folkin' excellent"

I can't believe they played before Fr�vous at my first Fr�vous show and I missed half their set because I had no idea who they were... and I wish I could go back in time and change that.

J. Andrew World:

Any band with a bald guy in it is cool!

Moxy Fr�vous has Dave Matheson, The Nields Has David Nields, The Smashing Pumpkins has Billy Corgan, Russell Wolff has....well, Russell Wolff, and Eddie From Ohio has Robbie "Pilgram Shoes" Schaffer. Which is why if George Harrison Shaved his head the Beatles would never have broken up.

Karen L. Heimbach:

i am a new efo listener and i definitely like what i hear!! (thanks shell for making me that tape) Eddie is soooooooooooo cute!!! (and if i may say mike clem is not bad, either!!)


unlike most folks i've seen around here, i went the other way--from eddie to fr�vous. so yay for eddie! can i be julie when i grow up? more shows lined up for this fall...can't wait! GO SEE THEM! and GET THE DARN ALBUMS ALREADY!!!

goovie is married!:

lots and lots of fun!

I put off buying their stuff for, like, 3 years, and it took me another year or so to finally see them live. Learn from my mistakes and get into them *now*. :)

John J. Ryan:

Loved them from the first time I saw them

Saw them on a double bill with the Nields, and I'm sorry Nields fans, they won that night. I try to see them whenever I can, and they are one of the few bands that I can listen to and start to cry, especially listening to "Oh My Brother" for the first time. Amazing musicians, and a great void filler for Fruvous.

ellen, formerly evil:

<p>Fun fun and crrazy music</p>hey there y'all! Just wanted to say that Eddie From Ohio kick lotsa ass! Their albums are Soooo good, and they are even better live! I have always been a nut for close harmonies, and they got 'em! Seven thumbs up!

Nicole the Wonder Nerd:


Can't be said simpler than that. They just kick butt. I got into EFO via Fruvous, actually, and liked them so much that they became my *other* musical obsession. EFO combine amazingly strong vocals and remarkably accomplished instrumentation with stunning songs--multilayered, subtle, thought-provoking. They manage all this while being four of the nicest, coolest people in existence. Bands don't come much better than this, people. Go forth and check 'em out.

It's a girl!:

I"m one of seven in his harem

I loved them from the moment I first heard "Old Dominion" even if I did call it "Sweet Sweet Virginia." Then I saw Robbie open for DVN and was entranced by "Woman of Faith" esp the line "my old dog grinning ear to ear shakes his head, starts to laugh." And now that my first date with Andy was at an EFO show, they're forever in my heart.


Awesomeness! I love their harmonies, I love Julie's voice. My favorites have to be Gravity, Three Fine Daughters just for the harmony in the middle of that f-ing song, Fifth of July, Tommy the Canexican (who doesn't like it you're an EFO fan). I, too got into EFO via Fruvous' "Beware the Killer Tents."

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