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Review of "Great Big Sea"


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Great Big Sea
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Rowdy, fun celtic rock


Josh Woodward:

Rowdy celtic pop.

If you're in to Celtic music at all, check these guys out. They're great fun both on CD and live!

Kat Kunz:

irrrrrish rock! guinness is optional.

these guys are SO much fun. their newest album, turn, is really fantastic & quite representative of their style. and *don't miss them* if they come to your town! their live shows are fun and a half.

Andrea Krause:

Great Big Fun! Celtic-pop that'll get a crowd jumping

Great Big Sea does a surprisingly good job of straddling the line between new and old. They go for the pop and get you dancing, but also bring the traditional songs and styles to our notice and affection. Their live show is a blast, and you'll be surprised how satisfying it is to be in a crowd yelling "HEY!" with one fist in the air. :)


Celtic-pop! Woo Hoo!

If you ever get the chance to see a live show of Great Big Sea's, go. There is so much energy that just cannot be captured on CD. Their shows are high energy, high excitment. Sure to be a thrill for all you fun lovers :-)

Daancing Queen:

Yeah for Newfies!

High energy blend of traditional tunes and modern pop. As well, they have some beautiful slow songs to make you sway during their shows - see them if you ever get the chance, and try any of their albums, you'll love them all.

danced with Lazlo:

They rant and they roar...

and they're just incredible. They can bring out the celt in anyone.


Definitely essential to partying.

Great sound; all of their upbeat stuff lends itself completely to dancing, even if you're like me and don't actually dance, you can dance to this stuff. And their slower stuff is beautiful, too.


great, lively celtic pop

Celtic instrumentation and styles covering a range of material from old traditional pieces to modern day subjects. a great sound with great harmonies. definitely get their albums.


Cute Canadians singing a Celtic-folk-pop blend...How can you go wrong?

Gigi Omar:


They make you wish you were a Maritimer :)


Get away from your computer, and buy their album now.

These guys rock the house with their original brand of celtic-rock. They have to be seen live, preferably repeatedly, preferably with a Murphy's Irish Stout.

Steph Strenger:

Celtic/rock/folk band that is amazing to listen too.

These guys are wonderful to listen too. Great for driving, reading, going to sleep to, writting and drawing by. They can go from very relaxed to making you want to get up and do something. Truely, an awesome band.

Fred WOlke:

Celtic music with nitroboost

More energy than Fruvous, if that's possible. Is there something in the water up in canada?


more fun than a barrel of gorillas

i just saw great big sea for the first time and they were really cool. they are great musicians and really get the crowd going. their harmonies are also super! (and for those that know how, it's great clogging music)

Gene Frey:

More fun than a live fish in your pants

Candaian/Celtic ultra-high energy pop, sea chanties, and rock and roll. MUST be seen live. Their live CD 'ROAD RAGE' comes to the states on 10/31. I got it from HMV in Canada already, and it's a major blast.

Shawna login infrequent:

Newfoundlanders do everything better.

Pure WOW. These guys seem like they could play forever. And I know nobody would have a problem with that. Multi-instrumentalists, great singers, beautiful songwriting, along with "wicked-good" (as Alan would say) traditionals--what more could you want? You know they're doing something right when they can get 6000 Ottawa folks singing "we'll rant and we'll roar like true Newfoundlanders" all together :)

Damn Incubus is Good!:

i found their cd for a BUCK!!!

lota traditional stuff- really high energy level

Katherine, comedy junkie:

Can't help grinning when listening to their music

Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun. A great combination of the old and the new. Their fast music makes you want to dance, and the harmonies and instrumentation in the slower numbers are gorgeous. I wish I could catch a live show. Things are starting to get a tad repetitive with "Turn"--their style is almost exactly the same as on "Up"--but still great stuff.

Laura's way behind!!:

Whoo hoo for Celtic-pop!!!

What else can be said? These guys kick booty! I just bought "Turn" on sunday and I haven't been able to stop listening to it! It's one of my new fav cd's! Check 'em out if you haven't already ... you'll luv them!

Megan can't believe it:

Break out the Guinness and start dancing!

If you think Toronto is Canada's Mecca for folk musicians, better take a nice long look at Newfoundland, too--St. John's, to be specific. These guys take traditional Irish tunes and turn them on their own dancing heels, along with their own rollicking compositions. *You* try listening to "Mari-Mac" once or twice without feeling the urge to learn those lightning-fast lyrics.

Joy- new picture!:

Really fun live shows, good vocals, great songs. Man, these guys rock. An Sean McCann remembered my name. *swoon*

Bruce Rose:

No live experience... yet

My first review left a lot to be desired. Straight ahead rock with an Irish flavor. There isn't a whole lot more to say. I favor _Turn_ and _Play_ of their catalog to date. My only regret is passing up my chance to see them in Dayton.


Great Celtic music... Traditional Newfoundland music and original tunes... these guys are great and so is the music... check em out...

Gordondon son of Ethelred:

Celtic influenced folkies that rock out

Great Big Sea give a live show that can only be compared with Fr�vous. A dose of pure adreniline.

Cold Mewwonade:

This is one of the most upbeat group of guys you will ever find. Good sense of humor as well. And these guys can play.

J. Andrew World:

Canadians speak highly of them, for good reason: They Rock! I saw them when they playe dat Pearl St. and they were great! I then bought their album "Sea of No Cares" my last venture to canada amused me seeing that album, along with Sarah harmer, in the top 20!

I can see the bunny:


A group of rowdy and really fun guys from "the
tropical island of Newfoundland"! Whether it is a
sweet ballad or a jig - they never fail to entertain.

E Train:

Rowdy, fun celtic rock

the most fun an energetic band i've been witness too. i've been to a few great concerts in my
day.. but seeing Great Big Sea at the Trocadero in Philadelphia was by far the most fun i've
ever had at any show. it even beat out seeing Weezer and the Barenaked Ladies (two of my
all time favorites) from the 6th row at the same concert :)


I only found out about them recently, but I am out to get their newest album for sure. I just love their music!

Gwen Evans:

Real men. Real voices. Real instruments. Songs about drinkin', and sailin', and lovin'. Does it get any better?

These "darling boys from Newfoundland" (as my ma calls them) will make you smile and jump out of your chair to dance around like an idiot. But you won't care. Because Great Big Sea rules.

Their live shows are incredible -- there's nothing quite like hearing 300 people try to sing "Mary Mack."

Rhi: so confused:

Fantastic & catchy Celtic-folk-rock tunes.
Absolutely *amazing* live.
Talented (and really attractive) boys.

What's not to love?

Tori Rose:

"Boston and St. Johns" brings a tear to my eye.
"Consequence Free" is awesome enough to be a life motto.

Don't you know their stuff yet? C'mon!!


Their recent album "Fortune's Favour" is one of their best yet. I have yet to see them live, but I'm looking forward to when I have the chance!

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