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Jian Update: Peaceniks and Warhawks

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Jian Update: Peaceniks and Warhawks

Posted by: Josh Woodward on Fri, Feb 28, 2003

february 27, 2003

dearest >play painted peaceniks,

everyone wants peace.


the peaceniks want peace. the warmongers want peace. the peaceniks say they want peace and not war. the warmongers say they want war to bring peace.

sometimes the peaceniks are so angry about war that they want to fight the warmongers. but the warmongers don't want to fight about war. they want to fight the war. and they want the peaceniks to help fight the war. but not fight the war. got it?

the peaceniks want peace in our time. but the warmongers say that "peace in our time" leads to war. the warmongers also want peace in our time. like the peaceniks. but the warmongers want war first to get the peace in our time. so then there's no war later. just now.

peace. war. peace.

it's all very simple. both sides are easy to understand. except the warmongers. they are easy to understand but not in a good way. the warmongers are too slick. which makes sense because they seem to like oil.more than peace.

the peaceniks aren't very slick. but they are more colourful than the warmongers. and have better hair.

i like the painted peaceniks the best. they put peace signs on their cheeks. they lend a face to the peace movement. some peaceniks paint their bodies too. just before they do their arhythmic dancing. peaceniks seem to like paint. warmongers don't like paint as much. unless it's oil-based.

to wit: on this week's edition of >play, i'm most pleased to announce that we're painting the >play pen in a most colourful way. lots of live guests ready to pounce like peaceniks. very exciting.

first, we have the big winners of the "GREAT CANADIAN MUSIC DREAM" who took the whole shebang in last night's finale! that's right, edmonton rocker-hillbilly band, PAINTING DAISIES. these edmonton-based dream grrls are ready to rock. and twang. and they'll LIVE in the >play pen for their first performance since becoming canada's newest music stars. they got the popular vote and they're painted. and i have a hunch they're daisy-like peaceniks.

also live in the >play pen we have a performance from montreal-based soul sensation, CARL HENRY. carl is in toronto for a CANADIAN MUSIC WEEK showcase and has recently been nomintated for a JUNO award. he paints a groove with his beats and smooth vocals. peace out.

as well, live in the >play pen will be brilliant book brandisher RACHEL GIESE. she'll be discussing some new hot graphic comics. and, also live, movie princess MICHELLE MCREE reviewing the latest DAVID CRONENBERG flick, "SPIDER." we will show my interviews with mr. cronenberg, RALPH FIENNES and MIRANDA RICHARDSON. mr. fiennes is a fine thesbian but i don't think he's very peaceful. or maybe he's too peaceful. either way i don't think he fancied me during the interview. (even though he later "took me" physically as mentioned in an earlier >play letter from the fall).

all this and much more on a very live version of >play. join us in the >play pen for a pint or sit home and watch it all go down in peace. don't fight over the remote. war is not the answer.

yours (peace-interested but not passive),


   Discussion: Jian Update: Peaceniks and Warhawks
Brian Dinsky · 22 years, 3 months ago

go jian.  to no surprise, yet another highly intelligent offering from a highly intelligent man.  then again...thesbian, eh?  nonetheless,  it's nice to see the man can still make me think.  tiz a shame that there is no US broadcast of his show, but i'm sure it's streamed somewhere.  anyone know?


oh yeah, first post

Starfox · 22 years, 3 months ago
If Jian, or other so-called peaceniks would have supported our involvement in World War II?

Not that I disagree with Jian's position with respect to Iraq. I'm against that war, but I'm not against war in principle. There are times that war is necessary and moral.

For the rest of people against the war in Iraq go here:
elfy, teacher of many Back · 22 years, 3 months ago

as for WWII,  I can only guess 'yes'

I don't know the specifics of news reports and what was common knowledge about what was going on in Eastern Europe in the months before the Allies took action, but I would like to think that the decision to take action would have been very obvious even before Hitler started expanding beyond Germany. What I don't know about that War would fill entire libraries, but I can only imagine that the goings on of one country are a bit easier to disguise or hide than the goings on of two or even three countries.

If there is no real difference in the way the news is presented now OR if what we actually know now is only the tip of the iceberg, then I don't want to think about how it bodes for the rest of us.

danced with Lazlo Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
The question isn't whether or not Jian or so-called peaceniks would have supported action in WWII but rather whether they would have supported action to *prevent* WWII in such places as Abyssinia Ethiopia Czhechoslovokia and Spain.

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