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Viewing User: Reverend Dude

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Basic Information

Reverend Dude
Username: Balloonman
First Visit: Aug 10, 1999
Last Visit: Thu, Dec 22, 2005, 2:13pm
Location:Rochester, New York
About You:Please note: I am not a fundamentalist. As an ordained and licensed minister I offer ministry services to all, regardless of affiliation or beliefs. My credentials include a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies and a Doctor of Divinity degree. I find it hard to categorize myself as being a "religious" person. I keep my distance from so-called religious organizations, perhaps because I enjoy my individuality so much (and organizations tend to take away from the individual)! One's faith should be personal. I believe that everything is a matter of choice, and respect people's ability to choose, although I may believe that some choices are better than others. I am also a proponent of responsibility, and believe that consequences are as much a part of life as are benefits. I will gladly support any policy of choice so long as the responsibilty falls to the one making the choice to deal with the consequences of his or her choice. Otherwise, I believe that such policies tend to be simply a way of dodging such responsibility. My wife Lorraine and I have a home in a nice urban area, and we prefer living in the heart of the city. That's where everything happens! We enjoy wine tasting, music, movies, literature, and theater.


The Real Balloon Guy!Balloon CastleLorraine and IMy balloon pal, Egghead!
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