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Viewing User: ChrisChin is Getting Old

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Basic Information

ChrisChin is Getting Old
Username: Chris_C.
First Visit: Jul 24, 2000
Last Visit: Tue, Dec 5, 2017, 7:18pm
Location:Brooklyn, New York
About You:Updated Profile written during a rare retrospective, sappy mood... Wandering through life you tend to encounter a whole bunch of people unless you are cooped up in a hole. You can relate to some more than others and then there are a special few that you feel very comfortable with and be just laid back and all geeky. I have found a fair number of those people here and for that I'm very thankful. It's been great meeting some of y'all in person and some of you online too. I have only seen Fruvous twice, once at Clearwater 2000 and a month later at The Bottom Line. I became an instant fan and still like them to some degree today. I have managed to fill my free time with music from a multitude of artists, including Dar Williams (My Gateway Folk Artist), EFO, DVN, Susan Werner, The Nields' probe, Lucy Kaplansky, Richard Shindell, and Sarah Harmer, among others. I'm constantly being introduced to new to me artists from Fruheads, which is a blessing and an evil. From various Fruheads, I've been introduced to Peter Mulvey, The Mammals, Fountains of Wayne, and Russell Wolff, to name a few. You people definitely have contributed to the hole in my wallet but the joy that fills my ears and soul is worth it. Other interests include contra dancing, TV, photograhy, musicals, theater, film scores, social work, aging, and other stuff too numerous to list. Ask me more about them sometime. I'm somewhat more active on FHDC these days than I was when I first joined mainly because <s>you guys seemed scary</s> I sit in front of a computer with internet access at work with little or lots to do between meetings and such. <s>Now, I'm one of those scary people</s>. So, drop a line or something if you see me and I'll probably write back. Thanks for listening. :) Oh and I have 2047 Gordonpoints (and then some I think).


Me and JianAnimalThe Best Choreography Award goes to Eddie From Ohio!Mike Clem Rocks!Eddie Bangs!
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