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Basic Information

Smatts' Baby's Pics!
Username: Susie
First Visit: Dec 9, 2000
Last Visit: Tue, Apr 8, 2008, 10:41pm
Location:Defiance, Ohio
About You:On October 30, 2004 I married the love of my life...Matthew Scott Slawinski! There's not much more to say other than I am the happiest woman on the planet because I get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend and one true love. What more could I ask for in this world? It just proves to me that "the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true!" Update....I wouldn't have believed I could be any happier than being married to Matt, but on December 7, 2006 our little baby boy, Noah Robert Slawinski was born and life is so perfect with him in it! He is our little angel and we love him so much!


Cutest doggie! DottieMy Main Men!!..Dad...Brothers: Jack and RobOur wedding partyThe beautiful couple!
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