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Uh, word up??
Username: deaditeguy
First Visit: Oct 10, 2003
Last Visit: Thu, Oct 23, 2003, 3:14pm
Location:Forestville, New York
About You:Well I go by many names - Spaz, Lurch, That Big Quiet Asshole - but nowadays I like to be called Philip or Cheese Steak. I wanna move to Toronto and spend all my time on Queen St (I love that damn street!) and give up my American past in favor of the even-more frozen north. Time to get all personals on ya now. My favorite bands are Tea Party, Fruvous, and a local South Buffalo band called Jackdaw. Favorite movies include Breakfast at Tiffany's, Princess Bride, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Akira, and the Evil Dead trilogy. Oh, and Puppet Master series. I love those evil little puppets. I like flourescent lighting, swords, and working on my pasty goth-boy complexion. And college is fun. Tada - there's me. You may now recoil in terror. Thank you and goodnight. *Bows* Oooh, and soon y'all will see me in my elaborate Vampire Hunter D Halloween/cosplay costume! Yay for my nerdiness!! 10/17 New update to my site. Check it out, check it out, check it out!


Art 7 - My fav piece of digital art everArt 3 - One of my favesArt 8Woot, I'm a smilin'!
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