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Viewing User: derek harrison

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Basic Information

derek harrison
Username: dharrison
First Visit: Jun 24, 2004
Last Visit: Fri, Dec 31, 2010, 12:12pm
Location:Harrow, Ontario
About You:I listen to folk, celtic, ska, reggae and pretty much a little bit of everything else. I really enjoy unconvential music and originality. I read alot, fantasy mostly - Forgotten Realms, Foundation, Myst, Lotr, Left Behind, Star Wars - as well as all types of other books ranging in all topics. I play up and down the instrumental spectrum in a, well, just-plain-crazy 3-piece group called Thunder Bishop. I also occasionally record in a group called Totem Pole Warlords. Moxy Fruvous: my girlfriend's dad threw the Live Noise cd in one day while we were playing scrabble. When I went home that night I downloaded a whole bunch of fruvous, and after some time I found this site, bought YWGTTM, borrowed all of my gf's dad's cds (Wood, V, & Live Noise), bought Bargainville for her and borrowed it for a while, discovered bittorrent, downloaded every Fruvous show that popped up, wrote a whole lotta covers, started listening to their solo projects, started listening to all the bands I heard of through fruvous, and as a result I have become a big fan of folk music and a bigger fan than before of celtic. More about not fruvous: I write short stories, poems, songs, essays, and stuff all the time. I'm always either holding a book, a binder, or a musical instrument.


me and eric, the other two Totem Pole Warlords. (eric is playing the keyboard)i'm on the bottom of a totem poleme fellow members of thunder bishop, joe & ericplayin me bass in a band i left and as a result, destroyed.
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