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Viewing User: Jay

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Basic Information

Username: iballjay
First Visit: Jan 27, 2000
Last Visit: Wed, Dec 7, 2011, 2:07am
Location:Hatfield, Massachusetts
About You:I'm your typical non-average guy, born, and still trapped in western MA, USA -- Asparagus capital of the world!! I currently work as a Computer Analyst [a.k.a. system support geek] for an IT solutions company in the local area by day and am a Nursing student, working towards the ultimate goal of becoming a Nurse Doctorate (ND), by night. I started listening to fruvous right around the Barganville album.. and worked my way backwards.. I have a crazy broad taste in music but fruvous is a good part of it...I was lucky enough to see con II and IV as well as many other fruvous shows locally. Falcon Ridge '04 and '05 most recently figure amongst fru-related events as of late. I've meet countless good and interesting people at all shows and hope to continue to do so. I'm comfortable letting go that the band is no longer together.. : ) and follow many simlilar bands/artists that are still together... most anything on Signature Sounds label for instance... I'm one of few people I know that can go from hardcore death metal, to early jazz, to classical, polka, folk, reggae, punk, indie, ska, and blues all in one sitting.. There's too much good music out there to not embrace it all in one way or another. Visit my LJ for "interests". I have too many to list here.


At the CN tower (Frucon IV)amongst the list of things I'm really bad at -- Cross Country Skiing..A Truly beautiful scene in mid-northern VT (near Warren)Intoxicated hotel confusion something... (frucon II)
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