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Viewing User: paul

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Basic Information

Username: paolouccio
First Visit: May 6, 2004
Last Visit: Thu, May 6, 2004, 2:27pm
About You:I repair motherboards for a commercial satellite company. In a nutshell, I'm a hardware-software techie. Hobbies? Who has time. I work about 80 hours a week. Occasionally tennis. Deep sea fishing...on occasion. I found a neat little hobbie that is quite profitable. The corp I work for throws out certain chips without regard for a tiny little screw made of pure silver. If these chips are broken very hard, and in a certain fashion, the screw just pops out...amazingly enough. I collect little silver screws and we are talking .99999 that's 5 nines purity...silver... They toss about half million of these a week. If i could only find a way to shell them all while at work! EH, you asked for a hobby.

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