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Viewing User: sara clark

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Basic Information

sara clark
Username: sarabelle
First Visit: Sep 12, 1999
Last Visit: Tue, Aug 7, 2001, 5:36pm
Location:Cleveland, Ohio
About You:Okay---here we go! I currently reside in Lakewood, Ohio which is almost Cleveland :) I spend most of my time working at one of two jobs. I am a Customer Service Representative for Charter One Bank as for my second job "Just ask for Roger." I have been a Fruvous fan since June of '99 when Donna dragged me to my first show in Virginia Beach, Va. I have since travelled as far as Boston and Ottawa to see these four amazing guys on stage. I have since also met some of the greatest people ever (Andrea, Paul, Kat...) and continue to find new and exciting bands to listen to--Tory Cassis, The Nields, Guster, Hotel Faux Pas--just to name a couple faves :) I spend most of my free time trying to make it to shows and trying to figure out how to exist with as little sleep as possible. Aside from music, which has always been a big part of my life, I love to read and write. Mainly poetry and short stories. I hope to one day get paid for it :)

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