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(If you lived here, you'd be home now)

Post Poster Thread Date
Bathroom InjuriesjenBathroom InjuriesApr 8, 2006
get this...jenWould you date someone with th...Feb 24, 2006
[No Subject]jenWhat did you do New Year's Eve...Jan 8, 2006
[No Subject]jenWho's from your state or provi...Oct 28, 2005
[No Subject]jen10 Year FruniversaryOct 27, 2005
who do you look like?jenAre you related to...?Sep 25, 2005
who do you look like?jenAre you related to...?Sep 25, 2005
let me just say...jenHelp me get to Canada?!Sep 13, 2005
Um..jenWhat is your favorite color of...Aug 22, 2005
[No Subject]jenGBS in Buffalo!Aug 12, 2005
GBS in Buffalo!jenGBS in Buffalo!Aug 9, 2005
My wife skipped town with my best friend...jenI gave her the ring and she ga...Jun 19, 2005
indie tapejenIndie Tape on EBAYJan 12, 2005
best guitarist!jenHow do you feel about slash?Dec 21, 2004
OMGjenThis is boredom at its utmostDec 14, 2004
OMGjenThis is boredom at its utmostDec 13, 2004
me and my bf are doomed!jenThis is boredom at its utmostDec 13, 2004
This is boredom at its utmostjenThis is boredom at its utmostDec 13, 2004
mixed up phrasesjenmixed up phrasesDec 12, 2004
mixed up phrasesjenmixed up phrasesDec 12, 2004
Post Poster Thread Date
EVERYONE!!!jenWhat percentage of the populat...Dec 7, 2004
oh who the hell caresjen*squick*Nov 20, 2004
...and somehow...jen*squick*Nov 19, 2004
oh who the hell caresjen*squick*Nov 19, 2004
oh who the hell caresjen*squick*Nov 18, 2004
catchajenRereadingNov 5, 2004
speaking of which...jenJian nomiated for a viewers ch...Oct 30, 2004
i am so out of shape its depressingjenDo you exercize enough?Oct 30, 2004
heejenIngrained responsesOct 24, 2004
badjenwith a tub of vaseliiiiiiineOct 15, 2004
ok...jenHow old were you when you lost...Oct 12, 2004
oh welljenHow old were you when you lost...Oct 12, 2004
ok...jenHow old were you when you lost...Oct 12, 2004
ok...jenHow old were you when you lost...Oct 12, 2004
oh dearjenHow old were you when you lost...Oct 12, 2004
yay us!jenHow old were you when you lost...Oct 12, 2004
hehe my polljenHow old were you when you lost...Oct 12, 2004
shynessjenCharacter FlawOct 11, 2004
I'm a Canuck!jenGo ahead, brag. What'd you get...Oct 6, 2004
Post Poster Thread Date
Whites lack complexityjenWine drinkersSep 29, 2004
desert winesjenWine drinkersSep 28, 2004
puffjenTalk Like a Pirate Day!Sep 19, 2004
skeletorjenInsult or term of endearmentSep 11, 2004
...jenFruvous acronymsSep 1, 2004
yer aboot ready to go!jenAdopted sayingsAug 26, 2004
downtown trainjenMixed CD helpAug 26, 2004
The CAP'N!!jenWhat is/was your Favorite Kids...Aug 24, 2004
i'd be surprised if anyone can actually ...jenProbably Most Common Question....Aug 23, 2004
hahajenPointless, entertaining websit...Aug 21, 2004
Mike Ford and FruconjenMike Ford and FruconAug 20, 2004
Pointless, entertaining websites.jenPointless, entertaining websit...Aug 20, 2004
rhoda!!!jenWhat's the best TV spinoff?Aug 20, 2004
spelling and grammar whore am i!jenauughh! my eyyyyeeees!!Aug 19, 2004
spelling and grammar whore am i!jenauughh! my eyyyyeeees!!Aug 19, 2004
spelling and grammar whore am i!jenauughh! my eyyyyeeees!!Aug 19, 2004
a TO songjensongs that reference TorontoAug 18, 2004
christa...jenQuestion about a song...Aug 18, 2004
here's another...jenlaws of nature?Aug 18, 2004
wordjenHelloAug 18, 2004
Post Poster Thread Date
a TO songjensongs that reference TorontoAug 18, 2004
flexibilityjenThe OlympicsAug 17, 2004
:DjenThe OlympicsAug 16, 2004
a TO songjensongs that reference TorontoAug 16, 2004
DAMNjenThe OlympicsAug 16, 2004
and another time...jenAre you really gonna eat that?...Aug 11, 2004
and another time...jenAre you really gonna eat that?...Aug 9, 2004
icingjenAre you really gonna eat that?...Aug 9, 2004
sheryl!!!jenPart 5 of FearAug 9, 2004
hal sparks?jenWhen it comes to VH1, I Love T...Aug 8, 2004
hal sparks?jenWhen it comes to VH1, I Love T...Aug 7, 2004
o/`i was gonna go to work...jenDo you think Fruheads are norm...Aug 5, 2004
re: anyway...jenDo you think Fruheads are norm...Aug 4, 2004
hahha poor murrayjenIf one Frulad were a serial ki...Jul 27, 2004
dude, im all about the drumstickjenChicken: Do you prefer Dark Me...Jul 19, 2004
Im afraid of everything intangiblejenPart 5 of FearJul 16, 2004
cool namesjenUnusual NamesJul 2, 2004
Cruel parentsjenUnusual NamesJul 2, 2004
Free Guster/Rufus/Ben Folds ShowjenFree Guster/Rufus/Ben Folds Sh...Jul 2, 2004
for those who are interested...jenGBS in Boston MetroJun 30, 2004
Post Poster Thread Date
camp hell?jenThings you'd like to do to Cam...Jun 11, 2004
i HAVE submitted polls...jenHeads or Tails?May 25, 2004
no option?jenWhats the lousiest reason you'...May 19, 2004
whoajenNiagara Falls!May 7, 2004
social retard :)jenHow Pure Are You?Apr 30, 2004
ACL 500 Point Purity TestjenHow Pure Are You?Apr 28, 2004
what the hell?jenDid you get a tax refund?Apr 16, 2004
when i was a kid...jenFavorably misheard lyricsApr 13, 2004
re:yeeshjenWhat decade had the best pop m...Apr 10, 2004
weird lawsjenHave you ever been arrested?Apr 9, 2004
was i arrested??jenHave you ever been arrested?Apr 8, 2004
diet & exercise & bodyfatjenAre you dieting to lose weight...Apr 2, 2004
not as skinnyjenAre you dieting to lose weight...Apr 2, 2004
another optionjenStudent loans?Mar 31, 2004
more than jian?jenHow much attention do you crav...Mar 22, 2004
santana to anthraxjenBand Name GameMar 2, 2004
another choicejenAre you a virgin?Feb 12, 2004
Just answer the question, Claire!!jenAre you a virgin?Feb 11, 2004
ophelia!jenName my new kitty!Jan 20, 2004
ophelia!jenName my new kitty!Jan 19, 2004

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