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Post Poster Thread Date
HistoryPentecost Andrew!What was your favorite class i...May 14, 2005
"The Sword of Damocles is hangin' o...Pentecost Andrew!What's your favorite major son...Mar 24, 2004
My favorite was the "Bible Stories&...Pentecost Andrew!Favorite Classic Legoland Syst...Mar 10, 2004
re: Smeagol...Pentecost Andrew!Who's your favorite hobbit?Dec 24, 2003
I loves me some Lake Wobegon.Pentecost Andrew!How do you feel about Praire H...Oct 29, 2003
cubs, but no white sox?Pentecost Andrew!Baseball?Oct 3, 2003
HUH?Pentecost Andrew!Which Camp Fruvous?Feb 27, 2003
does "Dark" count?Pentecost Andrew!What's your favorite color?Feb 21, 2003
What about "No, I'm too lazy?"...Pentecost Andrew!Have you submitted a FHDC poll...Feb 7, 2003
NO MOXY???Pentecost Andrew!what is your favorite soda?Dec 30, 2002
Ma, what's "oringal" mean?Pentecost Andrew!Best Star Trek SeriesDec 25, 2002
Hmm.. Cap'n Archer *does* look mightily ...Pentecost Andrew!Best Star Trek SeriesDec 24, 2002

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