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A shout out to let you know I love Music but can't play a thing

   Discussion: A shout out to let you know I love Music but can't play a thing
dopeydave · 21 years ago
Music is great, it can change your mood when your feeling crumy or bring you down if you're flying too high. Music is a feeling and without it life would be less rich and diverse. Also I'm new to Fruhead so I want everyone to know the dopey in dopeydave is a reference to dopey from the seven dwarfs, my favorite one, high hough.
Nik Chaikin · 21 years ago
you are far from alone in the dopey category.:) i myself am rather dopey, and damn proud of it.also, YAY for music!
Marie · 20 years, 7 months ago
I think dopey was one of the cutiest dwarfs too, right? of course :) I'm new, how's it going?
Magical Bob · 20 years, 7 months ago
Here's to all that stuff you said. All true for me too. I have to be careful about what I pick so that it doesn't clash with my mood and ruin a good day or just seem sickenly happy on a bad day. I know how it is to be dopey. I have huge spots of memory I can't really remember. It's like I have a hangover, but I never drink. I just can't think straight. BTW, I'm also new!And you're right, dopey is the bestest!

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