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   Discussion: Not sure
zil · 20 years, 9 months ago
aren't geeks wonderful?
Annika Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
zil Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
by the way, i'M HAVING MY OWN FEARS ABOUT THE MOVE. (caps lock sorry) I don't know if I;ll have enough moey to move. *wilt*
Pacho · 20 years, 9 months ago
...were something like, isn't it totally unsafe to use a computer in the bathtub. then i thought about it... both of my laptops have a ac/dc convertor (feel free to correct me, odoitau) before they get to the actual laptop, so if you dropped the laptop into the bathtub then you'd get DC power, and I always like to believe that DC power doesn't zap you. I know logically it does but I always have believed that AC = dangerous and DC = fun and harmless. I've been corrected on that account a number of times but my brain likes to believe bizarre unlikely things.

regarding the walking, uhm, *thinks* let's say that because you walked a longer distance you exercised the long muscles in your body (specifically your legs) which according to my shrink helps your brain regulate dopamine properly which helps you focus when you're writing on the computer. therefore it's all totally logical. i suppose that doesn't explain why you walked the extra five blocks, perhaps your subconcious mind understands the whole exercise driving focus thing and it wants something to focus on. i dunno, i'm either rambling incoherently or speaking deeply and i can't tell which ;)

have i mentioned that meh makes me think of feh? (which all us scottish people say occasionally)
Annika Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
We'll work something out.� Just might take a little bit longer eh?� :)�
Annika Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
computer??� I was writing in a notebook.. what?? lol.
odoitau Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
I'm cashing in my "feel free to correct me" card...

IIRC, both of your machines are Toshibas, which means that yes, the power brick (external to the machine) is where the AC/DC conversion takes place. So, if you were to drop your notebook in the tub, you'd get (also, IIRC,) 15VDC at between 2-4A.

I think, in the tub, your skin resistance is low enough to allow all that current to flow, and 2-4A is far more than enough to kill you, but the path is still through the adapter, unless you contact yourself and the current flows through you to the grounded metal bathtub.

Needless to say, I'm not willing to find out the hard way...

I think I'll just stick to (soon to be) my Clie when writing in the tub...

And BTW, I didn't know about the walking/focus thing. I've experienced it, just now known what it was. Yay! Another excuse to get out of the house and exercise!
nate... Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
like... paper?

They still make those?!

odoitau Back · 20 years, 9 months ago associate 'notebook' with 'computer' more than 'paper' year 'box' and the first image that comes to mind is a computer case. think VIP is an internet telephony solution, not some bigwig. have more keys on your PGP keyring than on your metal one. can think up lists like this on-the-fly.

Man, I suck. Perhaps this explains why I'm single?
Pacho Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
see, odoitau knows that i'm talking about... i *do* associate notebooks with computers, i didn't even think that you meant a paper one.

i need more people on my PGP keyring. i'm going to be setting up at least one more key for myself, and richard's doing at least one more key, so we can all have some cross-signage if you're into it, odoitau. have you ever considered adding a photo through PGP?

(off of the PGP topic) also, i was thinking that if you were wanting to be relatively anonymous, you could always set up odoitau@home to redirect to your normal account so you could be a mite more anonymous.

(if you haven't noticed, i try to be consistent in refering to you as odoitau, which I suppose isn't better than refering to you by your email username, but at least I have a real excuse now. Of course, there is no similar stricture regarding refering to me online, see my FHDC username [not screenname] for details ;)
Annika Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
Pgp... what?�
odoitau Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy, and is a method of encrypting stuff that allows you a measure of control over *who* can decrypt it.

A PGP key consists of two keys, really, a public key, which you let known to everyone, and a private key, which you keep, well, private.

It works like this: Let's say I want to send you an e-mail that I don't want snooped. I would encrypt the message with your public key, and also sign it with my private key (the last step is optional, but useful, as you'll see in a moment.) The message can only be decrypted by your private key, and then only if the key is unlocked with a passphrase. Also, you can verify the signature with my public key, so not only do you know that no one else read the message, you also know that it came from me, not some odoitau-wannabe-poser.

PGP also works for files too. This is a special case where you encrypt the file with your own public key, so that only you can decrypt it.

There's more to it, involving setting your level of trust of other people's keys and such, but I think I've geeked out enough here.

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