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WTF's up with 2004?

   Discussion: WTF's up with 2004?
Pacho · 20 years, 7 months ago
i'm so shocked and amazed. not as much about the clie, i'd have figured that you'd get the hardware all straightened out, i have nothing but faith. just about the fille, heh, too amusing. i think it's time to bring back out the spring theory again... well, not as much as theory as everybody seems to hook up when the daily light levels start rising. maybe it's that everyone has mild SAD in this town (other than the people that have severe SAD, of course) and the increase in light means more happy hormone (i'd guess serotonin but i'm not positive... i say serotonin only because it's mood related) so people start hooking up. bah chicka bah bah.

kids rule too. obviously that can be a fairly significant hurtle in any relationship but it's not an impossible one. it's good motivation to keep everything civil pre- and post-relationship. well, unless you're a troll like buddy-boy. (i have no compunction about saying bad things ;)

anyways, thanks for the well wishes. best of luck in your own pursuits. you'll have to come visit once annika gets here... it'll be too strange when the distance between us (all of us, even) on FHDC is listed as 0 miles ;)
zil Back · 20 years, 7 months ago

and with me it will still be a gazillion miles. stupperifick freaking canadians and soon to be living canada peoples. grumblesnarl. ;-)

and only 600 something miles between me and mine.

gah. I think I hate 2004 already. boohiss.


I need to go be evil somewhere... there must be someone to trip nearby. ;-)

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