ok, so i've been doing this drawing during general music class, and I scanned it because it's not finished, but the last part could screw it up, so I want to have a record of it looking good. Anyway, my friend Claire who sits next to me has been trying to guess what it is since I started, which was a while ago, probably a month. Noticing the fun she has trying to guess what it is, thought you guys might like something to do. It might look just like random doodles juxtapositioned, but think about it. All of the little doodles have something to do with one another. To see the drawing, go to my profile, it's the one that is now my thumbnail. It has the caption "unfinished drawing i've been doing in music class."
Have fun guessing! :)
Maybe there will even be a prize... ;)
PS- the scanning kinda made it look sorta rough and grainy...it looks a lot better in real life. I just looked at it again...also realized in some spots you can see the back of the music handout i drew it on.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
where is the picture?
It's her thumbnail, like she said. :)
Also on her profile, like she said.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
very nice, caroline :)
why thank you. i needed something to do in that class.
*answer removed to allow people to keep guessing*
Very perceptive. it is. YAY NATE!!
Tara got it first tho... Frumed me a while ago. before i left for the library.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
Yep. Didn't wanna ruin the guessingly good time for everyone else though. ^_^
Ooo.. good point.
*removes answer*
i noted how very smert of you that was, by the way. snaps for tara!
· 20 years, 2 months ago
I am so smart! S-M-R-T!! ^___^
· 20 years, 2 months ago
Am I allowed to guess, or are we just cutting our answers out?
hmm? no you can guess. two people got it right already, as you may have read above, but you can still guess. even though..the answer is above, so it's not really a guesss.
I deleted the answer. :)
really? awesome! :)
what is it with all you guys and your smartness?
ok dan, guess away.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
hmmmm.... I see a lot of symbolizm depicting love does it have to do with that song 'fly'?
yes. you're right. yay for dan!
· 20 years, 2 months ago
If he's right, then you're changing the answer. ;)
what? no i'm not. that has always been the answer.
oh..there's a wink...hmm...
well, that MIGHT be the answer, dan...
See, I'm not the only one who gave away the answer. :D
wait...he said Fly? i thought he said lee...
ok dan, you're totally wrong. sorry.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
Well I was almost right, wasn't I, pleeeeease???...... i need some positive reinforcement here, i'm having a mental breakdown
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