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For sale: One FRFF Ticket

   Discussion: For sale: One FRFF Ticket
iPauley · 19 years, 4 months ago
My financial and moving situations being what they are, it's probably best if I stay close to home for a little while... which means I'll be missing out on FRFF this year.

My bad break, however, is someone's good fortune -- for I have one (and only one) shiny 4-day camping FRFF ticket. I bought it in early may, so it is valued at the Early-Bird Price: $85 USD (Current Advanced Price for this ticket from FRFF is $95 through Thursday; it will be increasing to the Regular $115 on Friday).

Anyone interested, please contact me however you can; if you want to refer to someone outside FHDC, have them email [email protected]. Paypal would be the preferred method of payment, but other options may be arranged on request.

Questions or comments, either leave here or refer to the above address.

-- Pauley

*joolee* Back · 19 years, 4 months ago
Uhg, I'm sorry Pauley! I wish I could take that ticket off your hands. *hugs*
Emily · 19 years, 3 months ago

I'll take that shiny ticket!

Is it still available?


(I used to play the saxaphone!)

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